Monday, 6 September 2010

Welcome To Our Back Yard

Hello again everybody!

Yesterday, Sunday, two of us were slightly struck by hangovers, all three of us decided to check out the Tokyo University grounds which we live right next to. We could see a few lakes on the map, which had our interest. The university grounds were very nice and green and when we came to the lake, we were nothing less than amazed. I will let the pictures explain what we have in our back yard.

The lake is full of koy and turtles and there were some kids with their parents. The kids fished for turtles. It's the first time I have ever seen that. There were also some stones in the water, where we decided to sit. Caspar had brought his guitar and amplifier, so he could play a little bit of music to accompany the activities of the turtle fishing kids. I just sat and listened to Caspar's music while taking pictures and looked at the kids attempt to catch turtles. They had actually caught one turtle but one of the kids tipped over the container where they were keeping it, so it escaped.

(The stones in the water)

(Caspar sitting and playing)

(A turtle fishing kid)

(A turtle being fished)

(Annette sitting to the left)

(Annette reading)

(I kind of liked the reflection in the lens)

It was a very relaxing but in the end the mosquitoes got too irritating and we decided to walk around and explore some more. We saw some young people with bows and arrows walking around and we found a practicing range were they were shooting for quite small targets and hitting them. It was a very different way of shooting as to what I have seen elsewhere. They start with the bow raised in extended arms over their head with the arrow on the string. They then take the ow down for shooting, but before shooting, they turn their head away from the target before looking back again and firing. I would have liked to know why they did it so, but I did not want to disturb at that time, so I guess I will have that as a project; finding out why they shoot as they do.

(Students with bows)

(A firing range with practicing archers)

(Annette pressing out the egg she is sitting on)

(The sun setting while we are walking around)

(A fountain!)

(A university administration building)

After a while of just walking around without finding much more, we went on our way home to start cooking. The very first meal we have cooked ourselves in Tokyo. On the way back I took some random photos of the street and a German package of meat.

So, that was it for this post. Until next time, take care!


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